Does anybody else notice lately that the media has been screaming headlines about every Republican wanting to kill Planned Parenthood, stop all abortion rights, and basically put women back to being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?
Is there a method to the madness? No news about the economy (it still sucks), no information at all about the possible failure (again) of GM, just mudslinging at the Republican party.
I expect it from Hollywood, making movies is an art form, and traditionally, the Democrats support the arts more than the Republicans do (mores the pity), and Hollywood is just kissing the hand that feeds them when they support the Democratic party. My concern is when the mainstream (lamestream?) media is only reporting one sided news in support of one party. I'm sure Walter Cronkite is spinning in his grave at the shenanigans of our current news media.
In short, PLEASE take all the ranting headlines about the more whacko members of the Republican party as just that, ranting about a small minority of whackos (the Democrats have them too!), and research things yourself before making a decision in November.
The Liberal Republican