Thursday, December 29, 2011


The more I see and hear about Gary Johnson, the more I like his viewpoint on things, from legalizing pot (he is in favor), to his stance on gay marriage (go ahead and do what you want).

His views on budget are just what we need, cut out the waste, and make a balanced budget, stop wasting money on garbage.

I just wish he could get more support from the lamestream media, but they seem to just marginalize him, as they are doing to Ron Paul.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Barefoot Bozos

It looks like our former president is not the only target for these shoe flinging idiots. Why can't these folks do something useful with their shoes, like filling them with C-4 and lighting them before flinging them at looney dictators like Machmood Imadinnerjacket?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

People Eating Tasty Animals

Looks like PETA has put their foot in mouth again! The most recent blather is over Super Mario putting on a furry Tanooki (Mythical animal) suit during the game. He doesn't even need to KILL the Tanooki, just catch a leaf.

When is PETA going to wake up and realize that humans are omnivores, we eat vegetables, grains, and MEAT!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Back Again!

It's been some time since I posted stuff, but since we have another election approaching, I seem to need to vent again.

The general population seems to be up in arms about our current president, I don't see any Democratic candidates elbowing their way beyond our incumbent, and the Republicans are all shooting themselves in the foot publicly. Why is it that each party has to move further and further from the moderate viewpoint with radical, extreme right or left posturing?

Why do certain candidates have some skeleton come screeching out of the closet to derail them? Why does the lamestream media have to carry on for days about a candidate feeling someone up, but never mention their position on real issues?